To enable the development of these vending machines, SAM Outillage relies on a connected solution, allowing remote management, visibility and parameter setting: SAM TOOL SUPERVISOR ® . Thanks to this interface, it is now possible to monitor the stock MRO processes, remotely. This solution has been thought out as a control tool and designed to adapt perfectly to the requirements of the industrial sector. It has a user-friendly and intuitive interface, while offering a very complete user experience. status of all products, consumables, tools and SAM’URAÏ ® includes two distributors in particular, suited to small or large organisations for consumables and for more specific and sensitive pieces of equipment. Simple and easy access with real-time monitoring of the consumption of PPE and IS*, products of low/medium economic value but with a high turnover rate, with access within easy reach. A huge advantage when it comes to safeguarding the production process with accurate billing. Packaging is kept to a minimum, waste is avoided. It is possible to re-invoice the consumption of external service providers. Lastly, the X’Tower ® enables better monitoring of the legal dates (inspections and expiry). It is very intuitive to use: staff members are identified by a name badge. You can find the products you are looking for by using a simple search system. These products can then be recuperated through the hatch, locker or dedicated compartment (or be returned after use). Restocking is fast, through access to the turrets, for continuous availability. WITH THE X’TOWER ® : secure control and distribution of consumables as close as possible to the workstation.

* Industrial Supplies



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